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Location: Ohio, United States

I am on a fantastic journey, embracing life with everything I've got!

Friday, December 30, 2005

A Different Kind of Christmas Present!

So my visit home to Ohio for the holiday was wonderful.

I got a pedicure with my mom, I saw my friend's new baby boy, I got a massage from my sister, toured Cincinnati stuff with yet another sister, met up with best friends and other friends, saw practically my entire family on Christmas, sung with them, ate lots of crap, and even made it to a yoga class with my favorite yoga teacher.

Now back to that "friend's new baby boy." His name is Zephyr, and he has wide blue eyes and dark hair just like his dad. He's pretty big and hearty for a 5 month old, and sooo mellow. But he was having issues when I visited. Apparently, when mommy started him on solids (baby food) his little system couldn't handle them, and the poor thing hadn't "moved" in a week. She'd tried everything possible to make it happen, but no go.

"Hand him over," I told her. "I'll give him an abdominal massage."

And so, with a bottle of Burts Bees oil, I massaged his little belly just as they'd taught us in massage school, to therapeutically aid the digestive system. Then we snapped up his onesies (he was wearing two since it was winter) and went on with our best friend talk.

In another half hour, Zephie started grunting and grimacing. My friend looked down with round eyes. "Did you hear that? I think he's pooping!"

Sure enough, the kid pooped. Ohmigod did he poop! I've never seen a mother so overjoyed that her baby pooped out the diaper and down the legs (I know, I know...TMI! But I'll bet you moms can appreciate the importance of this feat). She held him up and cried, "Yaaaaay! I owe you big time, girl!"

"Hey," I shrugged. "Merry Christmas."


That was such a hilarious highpoint of my Christmas visit, and made for a good story wherever I went. I helped a baby poop!

But seriously....remember how I was worried that I'd miss my family and wouldn't want to come back?

Well, once I got home and was heading up the 101...I was surprised to find that it felt more like home here than it did back in Ohio. And boy was I ever happy to get back to the green, temperate climate.

I guess I've finally settled!

I've had other introspective thoughts, but I'll put them in another entry on another day. Gotta go back to work tomorrow...I hope my hands/wrists/arms hold out!


Blogger David said...

So glad you got to spend Christmas with your family, Alex - I know how much they mean to you.

11:14 PM  
Blogger An Urban Femme said...

Ha ha ha!! Merry Christmas indeed! You are hilarious!

I'm glad the visit with the family went well and I am SO glad to hear you feel at home in California!

5:21 PM  
Blogger Mermaid Melanie said...

California is home isn't it!? I felt the same way driving back from New Years. I said to myself as i crossed the exit to Montecito,

"its good to be home." and austin agreed.

i am glad we are here together! :hug:

9:59 AM  
Blogger Anica said...

Home is where the heart is no matter in how many places. This is amazing story.

1:03 PM  
Blogger winter said...

Sounds like your trip was satisfying for all concerned - good for you!

1:48 AM  

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